Versions of Complexity

I had the pleasure of co-teaching Complexity by Design at Parsons SDM last semester and engaging with wonderful thinkers and institutes in this space. 

It is becoming increasingly clear that complex thinking (definition to come later) is a core part of modern life. This was discussed in different circles before we all got into this state of unknowingness. 

I have been working with a very acute definition of complexity, but given that the field is emerging (no pun intended), I wanted to linger a moment on its positionality.

I have been working with 2.5 versions of complexity: a partial list of links and resources to follow.

V1: Scientific #

V2: Management  #

V 2.5: Self-Leading #

A lot of the leadership advice, individuation, Jungian ideas of synchronicity, and adjacent thinking on signifiers and semiotics are all very much complexity friendly.

Mostly because they accept the behaviorist nature of our world (the noise in your head is different than mine).

My working list of axioms around complex systems is as follows: 

Complicated systems–like a car, computer program, or highway system–are an elaborate stacking of known constructs. 

We can model the difference between complex and complicated as designing a highway system or designing fewer accidents.

p.s. I am sure I left links out; please comment with ideas and suggestions - I would love to add to this list.


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Typographica Issue Nº 7

I have recently started working with The Lubalin Center – on reissues (newsprints for now, with posters being planned) – the space is free and open to the public (just get in touch here) – but I definitely find myself... Continue →