More on People Acting Like Websites

We encounter robots every day.

When we call costumer service, or speak to company’s representative in person — and feel like we’re talking to a script and not a person.

With zero agency that person relinquished their ability to think, and unable navigate their role and position.

This is not limited to cable company rep’s – this phenomenon can be found in HR departments, design thinking sprints, and many business settings.

If we had the time (and were paid to) we could write a detailed rule based program (if-then statements) that drive the actions of this automata. This person is the antagonist of a future of human fulfillment and useful robots.

In many real, and worrying ways this person offers no value more than a simple website*.

In effect these individuals are already automated – and are just waiting to pass the keys.

These are the people that would gain the most from unfocusing through hobbies, discovering their vocation, or a simple articulation of what are they interested in.


Now read this

On Experience and Efficiency

Experience and efficiency are opposite on the scale of the human condition. You can plot poetry, art, design and industries on that line. On the one side it is meat and potato mentality. Getting things done, with smallest expense,... Continue →