Machines That Think Think Like Machines

“Machines that think think like machines. That fact may disappoint those who look forward, with dread or longing, to a robot uprising. For most of us, it’s reassuring. Our thinking machines aren’t about to leap beyond us intellectually, much less turn us into their servants or pets. They’re going to continue to do the bidding of their human programmers.

Much of the power of artificial intelligence stems from its very mindlessness. Immune to the vagaries and biases that attend conscious thought, computers can perform their lightning-quick calculations without distraction or fatigue, doubt or emotion. The coldness of their thinking complements the heat of our own.”

Nicholas G. Carr, from “What To Think About Machines that Think”, edited by John Brockman


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Book: The Art of Gathering

On etiquette and rules by Priya Parker: “There is no doubt that etiquette has a certain value” “These positive features of etiquette work particularly well in stable, closed, homogeneous groups. When like gathers with like, etiquette... Continue →